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Alien Technology harvested from Roswell



frequent Guest of ancient Alients Bill birnes

This Journal entry features NY Times best-selling author Bill Birnes

This is the last segment I do on Aliens (for a while unless something hits the new again).  Bill Birnes has so many interesting books that he has written I have had to do several journal entries just to accommodate them all.

There are many theories and beliefs that the data and technology recovered from the Alien crash of 1947 advanced the human race by 200 years.    We saw major technological advances in 3 years that should have taken much longer.

Bill Birnes researched the Roswell storyline and not only what happened by how we benefited from it.    This is a fascinating theory in how Alien technology gave us the things our military uses, and we use and take for granted every day.

Alien data, artifacts, and technology gathered from the crash lead to the following inventions.

  1. Kevlar – this could have been reverse engineering of the suits on the aliens that were so tight they were mistaken for skin.   This material would have been so tough that it could have protected the creatures from flying space debris but mankind adapted it to stop bullets.
  2. Fiber optics

3.  Night Vision – Bill Birnes speaks about the Night Vision that came from Adapting the lens (a black infrared contact lense) that was removed from the Eye of the Alien.  At the time of the crash in 1947, the US DID HAVE night vision but it was giant pieces mounted to the top of tanks that would allow soldiers to see during the night.        This Eye Lens from the Aliens allows the government to fast track this device to the point where it went from being mounted to the top of tanks to being worn like a pair of glasses when soldier fought in Viet Nam.  Estimated to be a 50-year advancement.


5.  Laser Cutting – a device that was cut things when it powered up.   Incidentally, there was a lab that was established at Columbia University by its University president to work with and develop “amplified energy”.   That University president was Dwight Eisenhower.   When he became president and was “read in ” about the technology of the Roswell Crash – he had it sent to this lab at his own University.   They were not told where the technology came from but was told to reverse engineer it to see if there was something that could be done with it.  Byt the 1960 the US had lasers.   This is the segment where Birnes talks about the part of the government that handles all of these classified secrets – a group called, “special access”.


6. The Integrated Circuit (transistor) – Something that the US was working on for 10 years (prior to the Roswell crash) was the Transistor, ie – they were trying to achieve digital technology.     After the crash – President Truman orders that this technology be packaged up and sent out to different military weapons manufacturers to see if there could be any benefits that could be derived.

The Integrated chip was invented in 1947 – it was a HUGE advancement – because before that the electronic components for a simple 12 dollar calculator would have taken up an entire room.
It went on to be something that transformed the radio that people would watch to something they could carry around.   

Eventually, a group from Texas Instruments took this and set up show in Silicon Valley and created a scrappy little startup called INTEL!



Bonus Bombshell Entry!

Where are the aliens now and why won’t the government disclose?

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The Future Reality will be Augmented!




Augmented Reality – while most of us don’t know what it is by name – we can recognize examples of it that we have already seen.   Don’t confuse it with its cousin VIRTUAL REALITY where you wear the headset and are transported to some other place – 100%.   The Sights and Sounds – sometimes there are even fans set up so you can experience the air flow around you.

Here is footage of Juliana Fay playing a Virtual Reality Game – and you can literally feel like you are in another place – and the first time you take off the goggles – you will fee like you are instantly transported back to reality.  That alone is an incredible experience.

Now I have talked about some very intriguing people that I know – this week I would like to talk about my Buddy Edward Robison the III.    He’s not just a guy with an impressive name – he is a brilliant photographer, and a Developer and a few years ago he embarked on a really ambitious project – he wanted to bring Augmented Reality to his photography.

Edward – created this back when it wasn’t common at all.   You would download the AR app to your phone and then when you point it at one of the pictures in your book – the image would either rise out of the book as a 3d model or it would launch a video sequence.

You know Snap Chat can be VERY ENTERTAINING – the way it morphs what we look like into another Character.    That is phone based version of AR.

Then of course you have    Pokémon Go?   RUN THE VIDEO.
The Public is ready for this – but holding the phone out to see the effects (yes its amazing) but holding the phone gets cumbersome.

So the Race is on to make the best AR Glasses.   They want to make your smart glasses something that will take the place of your phone.   And then can you imagine playing something like Pokémon Go – then?  You can participate in a Virtually enhanced environment that is your own!   Pokémon won’t be limited to wear you hold the phone.   The whole experience will be much more lifelike.
You will start to see added AR features on your phone with future updates.

Take Google Maps – Google has recently added machine learning and visual positioning.  Google has already mapped the world and now using the landmarks on the map as anchor points – they can provide an augmented reality experience to the world.

Now – if you are selling things on line – the one thing you cant replicate thru the computer is the experience of going into a brick and mortar store and touching, feeling and trying on merchandise.

Now with AR – Do you want see what you will look like with those eye glass frames will look like on you?

And now the Games are getting more incredible.
Pokemon was revolutionary but the images were very flat.   Now developers and really pushing the limits not just making them look 3 dimensional but also Contextually Aware!  What this means is – if you are playing a game shooting zombies and they are coming at your thru your living room and you want to buy some time – move to the other side of the dinning room table so that they have to walk around it to get to you.   Here comes that artificial intelligence!

So these books by Edward Robison show the infancy of where Augmented reality is going.   He is going to work on a project for a national park to develop an AR app – and they want to map out the park where there used to be a military fort.   And people that visit the park will be able to rent a special Ipad and walk around the park and see what the fort used to look like when it existed in that exact location!

Robison told me that when Augmented Reality really breaks thru it will change almost every aspect of our lives.    Look at how living in a world of Facebook, Instagram, and snap chat has drastically changed the world.    Well get ready!    Augmented reality will let you live in a fantasy world of your choosing.

When you go to a friends house and you hate the color of their walls – you can change the way it looks.

When you go to a restaurant – open the menu – you will SEE THE FOOD – maybe take that sandwich apart and see how its made?

In the Future of Reality won’t have to imagine what something used to look like or what it could look like.   This could really advance education.   As a student – I didn’t learn well when I was told to read something and remember the data – but when the same information was delivered in a conversation I retained the information.

Now if we want to teach the kids about the human body – you could have  a student lay down and the teach could reach in and take out his brain or heart.    Do you think the kids will be paying attention?

So the bottom line is – the Race is on.   Most of the biggest names in Big Tech are racing to create smart glasses that we wear everywhere and that may replace our phones.   Apple has acquired 4 AR companies already – and there are rumors about what the Apples Glasses will look like.

Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Snap, Facebook Apple, Magic Leap and others are all working on some form of smart glasses or headset that will change how we view the world around us.

There’s a race to be the first to make a set of glasses that everyone will wear, which means they have to be fashionable and sleek enough to wear all day and everywhere you go. Advocates of the technology hope that you’ll one day be able to replace every screen in your life with just one pair of smart glasses.

If glasses replace common gadgets like our phones or computer screens, it will mean big business to the company that comes out on top.

But we’re likely years away from that. Today, most AR headsets are too big, too expensive and simply too weird-looking to make sense for everyday use. That’s not keeping tech companies from trying though.

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